posadzka poliuretanowa

These modern and extremely durable coatings have been gaining popularity for years. As a manufacturer of PURION polyurethane resins, we recommend our products to enterprises, investors and administrative units. These agents are perfect for high-traffic areas, and thanks to, resin floors are resistant to dirt and, despite heavy loads, do not crack. They can be used indoors and outdoors and are resistant to chemicals and UV radiation.

What is polyurethane resin?

A combination of two components that, when dry, create a durable and impermeable surface with versatile applications. Polyurethane resin is a mixture of a synthetic base and a hardener that binds the two components. After drying, we get a perfectly smooth surface, resistant to mechanical damage and not subject to discoloration under the influence of chemicals and other substances. Polyurethane resin floors perfectly endure all kinds of loads and are resistant to abrasion. This is an excellent solution for various types of traffic routes with increased traffic.

The main properties of polyurethane resins include excellent adhesion to various types of substrates, as well as lack of reaction to UV rays and weather conditions. Interestingly, polyurethane resin floors are also characterized by high elasticity, which prevents cracking and allows them to “work” unlike standard screeds used in construction. And thanks to their high chemical resistance, they are easy to keep clean.

We also offer a wide range of products based on METEOR series epoxy resins, which are increasingly popular among investors and industrial flooring contractors. As a reputable manufacturer of epoxy and polyurethane resins, we offer them in many types for various applications.

What are the applications of polyurethane floors?

This type of flooring is most popular in warehouses, big-box stores and manufacturing plants. Polyurethane resin, which, as a manufacturer, we have on offer, perfectly withstands mechanical loads, so it is ideal for places where surfaces are exposed to multi-kilogram loads. Resin floors are readily used in offices, schools or hospitals, where, despite heavy traffic, they can be easily cleaned by hand or mechanically.

They are also ideal solutions for office buildings, in technical rooms, as well as smaller production facilities. Resin floors will also work well in commercial and retail premises or small stores. Polyurethane resin is also used in indoor parking lots under blocks of flats and shopping centers. Its other undoubted advantage is the absence of dust, which, combined with a perfectly smooth surface and the possibility of mechanical cleaning, is perfect for car traffic. The weather resistance and moisture impermeability of the materials make the resins ideal for flooring terraces or stairs, and can be successfully used as flooring in a garage, workshop or basement.

malowanka żywica poliuratonowa

Polyurethane resin for flooring

It can be an ideal alternative to traditional tile, stoneware or stone floors. The possibility of adding quartz particles makes polyurethane resins, in addition to extraordinary durability, characterized by an interesting appearance. In addition, resin floors have no joints, making them look impressive in large rooms. Easy to keep clean and with virtually no signs of use, they work well in any room. Resin floors can also be used on outdoor stairs, for example, in combination with stained quartz sands so that we get an impressive and practical stone carpet.

Making an epoxy resin floor seems to be a relatively simple task, but, contrary to appearances, it requires having the right knowledge and understanding of the chemical processes that occur during and the possible complications that can occur in the event of an unskillful application. It is also extremely important to adhere to the ratio of base to hardener indicated on the label, which will allow the mixture to bind smoothly. Seemingly trivial elements such as mismatched tools, failure to adapt to environmental conditions or, finally, inaccurate preparation of the substrate, are in fact in most cases the proverbial nail in the coffin for the resin floor.

Therefore, when investing in a resin floor, it is worth entrusting its execution to professionals who will professionally and thoroughly take care of every detail of execution and offer the most advantageous solutions. As a manufacturer of construction chemicals for industrial flooring, we have been working for years with many experienced contractors and recommend their services to potential investors, so we ensure that the highest quality products go hand in hand with professional implementation of the investment.

poliuretan w garażu wylewanie

How to wash a resin floor?

To clean the resin floor, you can use mild cleaning detergents according to the instructions on the package. We do not recommend using alcohol, acetone and other solvents and their concentrates, as they can cause “softening” of the floor. Chemical neutral or alkaline cleaners are the best choice. Also, do not wash resin floors with steam and hot water (do not heat above 60°C). The use of strong oxidizers, such as sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide, can also cause harm when cleaning and maintaining Meteor and Purion floors.

Floors with an anti-slip surface should be cleaned with a scrubber with plastic brushes, while smooth floors can be cleaned using the traditional method – but it must be remembered that a wet floor finished smoothly is very slippery and all precautions must be taken. Various aesthetic defects in the surface that arise due to abrasion or scratching of the floor can be removed by using agents containing polymer waxes (self-glossing floor emulsions).

We recommend using the following products for cleaning and maintenance of resin floors:

  • Si-Clean – product for daily cleaning and maintenance of concrete and resin floors.
  • Si-Active Resin Clean – alkaline remover for thorough cleaning and removal of tough dirt for resin floors.
  • Si-Wax – polymer paste for resin and concrete floors.

Meteor epoxy floors and Purion polyurethane floors form abrasion-resistant and multi-chemical resistant layers, but their resistance to the substances in question is limited. For detailed information on the chemical resistance of the floors, contact the manufacturer directly.